A child's weight is always a concern, be it for a newbie parent or
a parent of a toddler or a teenager. Every parent is given a booklet at the
time of childbirth by their obstetrician or midwife that focuses on the
statistics of height and weight at a particular age. And yes, parents try to
follow that blindly. They are scared if the child's weight criteria is not met
at a particular age group.
Are you that parent committing the same mistake
Don't slash down the calories - For parents who are trying to eliminate
calories from your child's diet because of weight issues, you are doing it
wrong! Calories in diet give the necessary energy to keep your child running
through the day. With an elimination of calories you are actually slowing them
down and making them tired.
The solution is to reduce the calorie intake but not completely
slash it down.
You can seek help from a Paediatric Doctor in Chandigarh Mohali
for your kid.
Giving in to a child's food demands - It is very normal for a child to like fries,
chicken nuggets, donuts and candies while detest fruits and vegetables. That
doesn't mean that you are completely going to give up on their healthy eating
habits and feed on whatever trash that curbs the appetite.
Parents also commit the very common mistake of bribing kids into
eating vegetables and other healthier fare with candies and chocolates.
Unknowingly you are setting the impression that healthy food is bad and candies
are good.
Instead of bribing them with an unhealthy food alternative, treat
them to a board game or a day out with friends.
Your child is what you are - Have you ever heard the comment "the boy
is the carbon-copy of the father or the girl is the carbon copy of the
mother?" Parents can be both a good as well as bad influence on the child.
So don't set a bad example for your child by munching on everything unhealthy
while sitting lazily in front of the TV. It won't take long for your child to
pick on your habit.
Instead take your child out to play or you could also try on a few
physical activities with your kids. It's actually fun!
Allowing your child to skip breakfast - Let's admit the fact. Most of us skip
breakfast. Our child is no different. But giving in to a child's wish to not having
breakfast before starting for the day is a very wrong decision on the parent's
part. Skipping breakfast will result in your kid snacking on unhealthy food
throughout the day.
Best Pediatric Doctor in Chandigarh and Mohali try putting together a quick and nutritious
breakfast meal like oats with assortment of fruits, a bowl of cereal with milk
or a good fat green sandwich. Children love colour on their plate. Try variety!
Forcing children to finish food - The intention might be right but the execution
wrong. We understand that you are well-meaning and want to educate your child
on how not to waste food. But why force your child to overeat? Cut back on the
portion size. Let them eat only according to his capacity, but not eat food
while hating it.
Be careful with your words parents! Unknowingly you might be
pushing your kid to an eating disorder that is akin to a serious mental
illness. You do not want that now, do you?
Punishing, shaming and blaming your child for food will never
improve their diet habits but lead to consequences like lack of confidence and
self-esteem, inability to self-regulate eating and body negativity image.
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