Tuesday, 26 November 2019

How to make sure you choose Best IVF Doctor in Chandigarh Mohali? Cosmo Multi Specialty Hospital

IVF is the most successful infertility treatment. In Vitro Fertilization is a complicated process in which egg cells are fertilized by sperm outside the womb, in vitro. This procedure is useful for the couples that are tired of other infertility treatment. The children as the result of IVF are called test tube babies.
Generally in Vitro Fertilization is a process in which fertilized human eggs are transferred into a woman's uterus. The woman's eggs are first surgically removed from the ovaries & fertilized with human sperm in the laboratory and after 3 to 5 days of fertilization the fertilized egg is transferred back to the woman's uterus or donated to another woman.
A pregnancy test is conducted after 1 week to confirm pregnancy. However, for successful pregnancy, it is necessary to choose the right doctor that can give you the Best IVF Treatment in Mohali. An IVF doctor is an embryologist who specializes in maintaining viable embryos after fertilization. The embryologist expert in the field of immunology is needed to handle immunity related problems that might occur during implantation and the course of pregnancy. An Andrologist, A gynecologist, an Embryologist, completes the IVF team. A Best IVF Center in Chandigarh has a collection of all these doctors to meet all requirements. All the IVF doctors must hold M.D degree and ample experience.
In Vitro Fertilization is hope towards parenthood. There are several advantages of In Vitro Fertilization and these are as follows:
1.     Women with blocked fallopian tubes may dream to conceive with the help of IVF.
2.     It also helps men with low sperm count.
3.     Weak sperm that is unable to fertilize the egg naturally responds well to IVF.
4.     If both partners are not able to produce a child, IVF may be a great option for the couple. They can choose the option of surrogate mother as well as donor eggs & sperms.
A good doctor discusses everything before preparation of In Vitro Fertilization. Age is also an important factor for this treatment. The rate of success is lower in women aged more than 40 years. However, women less than 35 years high rate of success. Cosmo Hospital is the Best IVF Hospital in Chandigarh. By visiting the website, you can get all information.

Monday, 21 October 2019

11 Factors Affecting Fertility in Females - Cosmo Multi Specialty Hospital

Fertility issues are getting quite common in females and are a matter of concern if these happen in the most fertile years of females.

Fertility issues can create hindrance for the pregnancy and even kept couple deprived from enjoying parenthood. For boosting the chances of pregnancy there is great need to manage the serious problems related to infertility. 
1. Obesity
Being overweight can be responsible for causing infertility issues in both males and females. Extra weight can affect the hormone production and increase the infertility issues. According to specialists of female infertility center in India more weight disturbs the ovarian function and even can cause PCOS which is the most common hormone disorder among women.
2. Underweight
Being too thin can also cause infertility as underweight women have deficiency of leptin. Leptin is a hormone that controls hunger and feeling of satiety and its low level can contribute to the absence of menstrual periods.
3. Age
Age is the quite common factor that contributes to infertility as with the age women reaches the menopause in which ovulation function stop working. With the less regular and decreased egg count she has to experience fertility issues. For the menopause normal age is after 40 but sometimes women get premature menopause before normal age.
4. Exposure to chemicals
According to Infertility Specialists in Chandigarh Mohali, exposure to some pesticides, pollutants and industrial compounds also cause infertility issues in both genders. Females can face premature menopause due to this exposure. Even chemicals of some beauty products like nail paints and perfumes can also cause the same issues.
5. Smoking and alcoholism
Smoking and drinking alcohol can disturb the hormone level and can damage DNA in both men and women. Even excessive smoking can disturb the ovulation function so can lead to infertility issues. Some studies have also shown that smoking can also lead to PCOS problem. Drug addiction can also cause similar results.
6. Poor diet
According to Infertility Specialists in Chandigarh Mohali, poor diet and lack of nutrition can also lead to fertility problems. Deficiency of nutrition like protein and iron can lead to irregular or absence of periods so make it difficult for women to get pregnant
7. Extreme workout
Workout makes us fit and fine and even keep us strong and slim but excessive exercise can lead to adverse effects. Excess of everything is bad same is true for exercise as extreme exercise can lead to the problems in ovulation function so can cause infertility problems.
8. Thyroid problem
Disorder in the thyroid can lead to disturbed level of the hormones so can cause problem for ovulation and pregnancy. Both in case of overactive or underactive thyroid infertility issues can be there for women.
9. Too much caffeine
Habit of excessive intake of coffee can also lead to fertility problems as the caffeine can create problems for eggs travel from the ovaries to the womb through the fallopian tubes can lead to infertility problems. According to IVF specialists in Chandigarh Mohali, intake of 5 or more than 5 can even reduce the chances of getting pregnant through IVF cycle so coffee intake must be controlled for getting successful pregnancy
10. Stress
Extreme and prolonged stress can disturb the level of hormones and lead to irregular periods that can make difficult for women to get pregnant
11. Side effects of medications
Certain medications like diabetes, cancer, birth control. High blood pressure can affect adversely to hormone level so can create pregnancy issues.

Cosmo Multi Specialty Hospital is the Best Test Tube Baby/IVF/Infertility Treatment Hospital in Mohali Chandigarh. Call us or book an online appointment.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Avoid These Mistakes While Managing Your Child’s Diet. Cosmo Multi Specialty Hospital

A child's weight is always a concern, be it for a newbie parent or a parent of a toddler or a teenager. Every parent is given a booklet at the time of childbirth by their obstetrician or midwife that focuses on the statistics of height and weight at a particular age. And yes, parents try to follow that blindly. They are scared if the child's weight criteria is not met at a particular age group.
Are you that parent committing the same mistake too?
Don't slash down the calories - For parents who are trying to eliminate calories from your child's diet because of weight issues, you are doing it wrong! Calories in diet give the necessary energy to keep your child running through the day. With an elimination of calories you are actually slowing them down and making them tired.
The solution is to reduce the calorie intake but not completely slash it down.
You can seek help from a Paediatric Doctor in Chandigarh Mohali for your kid.
Giving in to a child's food demands - It is very normal for a child to like fries, chicken nuggets, donuts and candies while detest fruits and vegetables. That doesn't mean that you are completely going to give up on their healthy eating habits and feed on whatever trash that curbs the appetite.
Parents also commit the very common mistake of bribing kids into eating vegetables and other healthier fare with candies and chocolates. Unknowingly you are setting the impression that healthy food is bad and candies are good.
Instead of bribing them with an unhealthy food alternative, treat them to a board game or a day out with friends.
Your child is what you are - Have you ever heard the comment "the boy is the carbon-copy of the father or the girl is the carbon copy of the mother?" Parents can be both a good as well as bad influence on the child. So don't set a bad example for your child by munching on everything unhealthy while sitting lazily in front of the TV. It won't take long for your child to pick on your habit.
Instead take your child out to play or you could also try on a few physical activities with your kids. It's actually fun!
Allowing your child to skip breakfast - Let's admit the fact. Most of us skip breakfast. Our child is no different. But giving in to a child's wish to not having breakfast before starting for the day is a very wrong decision on the parent's part. Skipping breakfast will result in your kid snacking on unhealthy food throughout the day.
Best Pediatric Doctor in Chandigarh and Mohali try putting together a quick and nutritious breakfast meal like oats with assortment of fruits, a bowl of cereal with milk or a good fat green sandwich. Children love colour on their plate. Try variety!
Forcing children to finish food - The intention might be right but the execution wrong. We understand that you are well-meaning and want to educate your child on how not to waste food. But why force your child to overeat? Cut back on the portion size. Let them eat only according to his capacity, but not eat food while hating it.
Be careful with your words parents! Unknowingly you might be pushing your kid to an eating disorder that is akin to a serious mental illness. You do not want that now, do you?
Punishing, shaming and blaming your child for food will never improve their diet habits but lead to consequences like lack of confidence and self-esteem, inability to self-regulate eating and body negativity image.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Facts About IVF Treatment in India - Cosmo Multi Specialty Hospital

IVF or In vitro fertilisation is a technique through which the eggs are fertilised outside the mother's body in a test tube or may be a petri dish. This happens in a laboratory under controlled environment. Usually the egg is fertilised using the sperm of the intended father. 

This treatment is often undertaken when 
1.     There is a failure of fallopian tube transportation mechanism
2.     Absence or disease in the fallopian tube/tubes 
3.     The intended mother has some serious health problems that are preventing the process of fertilisation
4.     When the sperm count of the male partner is too low to reach the fallopian tube and fertilisation.

IVF Treatment in India started around 1970s. The first Test Tube Baby in India (It is actually the second test tube baby in the world and the first test tube baby in Asia) was born on 3rd October, 1978 all thanks to Dr. Subhash Mukhopadhay. Since then, there have been thousands of cases of IVF Treatment in Chandigarh Mohali. In fact, Chandigarh and Mohali has become a ground, where IVF fertility experts from all over the world came to research and practice this treatment. Most of those visiting foreign experts were banned in their own country for carrying out such experiments.

There are hundreds of fertility clinics in India and most of them offer IVF treatment. IVF Treatment is more popular in Chandigarh Mohali than expected. There are IVF clinics like Cosmo Hospital which is globally popular and has many overseas patients. Many countries have banned or at least implemented strict regulations (about the number of embryos that can be planted etc.) regarding IVF treatment

The internet is filled with advertisements of such treatments. Just like other commodities, eggs and embryos have become products that are ready for selling at the right price. This has been criticized by various people on ethical grounds.

There have been various cases of eggs and embryos stealing. The stolen eggs and embryos were given to others for the purpose of research. In few cases they were also sold to other couples. Such activities are condemned on the grounds of morality and human rights.

IVF is an expensive treatment and often avoided if any other solution is present. The approximate charge is around RS 6, 00,000 per cycle. At-least 4 cycles are required to achieve a pregnancy.
If the egg is donated then, as per the law, the donor stays anonymous and the baby born is considered to be the legitimate child of the intended parents. The donor is not given any parental rights. In India infertility is looked down upon and criticized. Couples to get rid themselves of this stigma prefers IVF treatment in Chandigarh Mohali.

Visit Best IVF/Test Tube Baby Hospital in Chandigarh Mohali Cosmo Multi Specialty Hospital.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Things You Should Know About IVF Treatment in Chandigarh | Cosmo Multi Specialty Hospital

The desire to have a child of your own is understandable. But, IVF pregnancy is not an easy decision to make. Several factors need to be taken into consideration to have a test tube baby. So, what must you know before you consider it?
When should you consider IVF treatment?
Test Tube Baby Treatment in Chandigarh Mohali is an effective male and female infertility treatment. A couple can conceive a child after a year of unprotected sexual intercourse. Then it is time to approach a fertility clinic or a Best Test Tube Baby Hospital in Mohali Chandigarh. Several people hesitate and delay this process for whatever reasons. But, it is better to approach a fertility clinic for an infertility treatment as quickly as possible. You must remember that chances of conception are higher among the younger couples.
Why should you consider Test Tube Baby Treatment?
Several people have heard about test tube baby since in vitro fertilization has been around for more than two decades. So, this process is efficient and safe process with more than 5 million success stories worldwide. Consider IVF Center in Chandigarh Mohali with a high success rate. This can help you conceive a child, based on the variables of infertility and treatment. But, the best reason is that it is considered an effective male and female infertility treatment. But, you will need to visit an IVF center in cities like Chandigarh or Mohali to discover if IVF is the right course of action.
What should you know about the fertility center?
If you stay in Chandigarh, look for the Test Tube Baby Center in Chandigarh Mohali. The location will affect your decision. Here are some other factors that will assist you select fertility center in Chandigarh or Mohali
1.     Success rate
2.     Cost of IVF pregnancy
3.     Infrastructure of the fertility center

Cosmo Multi Specialty Hospital is the best hospital for Test Tube Baby Treatment in Chandigarh & Mohali at the most cost-effective rates. Pay a visit today.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Why is it important to choose the right IVF clinic? Cosmo Multi Specialty Hospital

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a very complicated medical treatment which, need expert team of medical professionals to be successfully accomplished.

An IVF Center/Clinic in Chandigarh Mohali providing treatment must have well qualified and experienced professionals in the fields of psychology, gynecology, embryology, endocrinology, urology, nurses and many more. Non Appearance of any one will result in unsafe and unsuccessful treatment.

Proper fertility procedure requires complete examination by a geneticist who can examine heredity related disorders in the couples. This is essential to control and inhibit possible complications during the pregnancy as also to stop transformation of disorders such as thalassemia to the foetus.

A reproductive endocrinologist is an IVF physician who keeps an eye on the hormonal alteration at the time of medicated professionals. A reproductive doctor is mandatory at the time of surgery because he is the only person who can monitor and manage the situations such as endometriosis and urinary tract disorders. The professional is also responsible to manage the conditions like obstruction of Fallopian tubes. The professional is mainly specializes in treating male urinary tract disorders.

Another mandatory medical professional needed at the time of IVF is an embryologist. Embryologist is the expert who specializes in controlling feasible embryos after the procedure. Embryologist's expertise is very much essential during IVF Treatment in Chandigarh Mohali because he is the person who helps in freezing the unused embryos. On the other hand, the medical practitioner in the field of immunology is required to manage immunity related disorders which usually occur at the time of implantation and during pregnancy. Patients should have to choose the fertility Center/Clinic Chandigarh Mohali that has experienced team of these professionals.

There are many more medical professionals who are needed at the time of this fertility treatment like andrologist. He is the doctor who is required to take care of male hormonal as well as sperm quality. He is the only expert who prepares the sperm cells for fusion with the ova. And lastly, the team completed with an experienced and well qualified gynecologist. Best IVF Centers/Clinics in Chandigarh Mohali also provides facility of a psychological counselor as the procedure also requires the high mental strength of the patient.

IVF also known as test tube baby is one of the most complicated and last hope for women suffering from infertility issues. The cost of this treatment is very high and generally no medical insurance available for these types of treatments.

Therefore, it is very essential for patients to choose the best IVF clinic.

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Best Male Infertility Hospital in Chandigarh and Mohali? Cosmo Multi Specialty Hospital

Infertility has become a common problem among both men and women, what with the stress and strain of new challenges and environmental factors such as pollution. Although, the new research in modern medicine has helped overcome these problems successfully, and has given a lease of life to several with infertility problems. The Infertility Treatment in Chandigarh, for instance, has gained more popularity due to their consistent effort in successfully treating men with infertility issues.

Often, one does not realize they have a problem with their reproductive system unless tested positively. Many times, unless explicitly advised by the obstetrician, couples do not go in for a routine check. However, consulting an experienced Infertility Specialist in Mohali can help in detecting the problem immediately and steps can be taken to rectify it with relevant treatment methods.
Male Infertility
Infertility in a male is a condition usually associated with the quality or the quantity of their sperm count. The reduced sperm count or the quality of semen secreted can cause create fertility issues.. And in some cases, hormonal changes due to external or internal factors can also contribute to the problem with fertility. Hence, each and every individual needs to be analyzed before arriving at a solution.

The Infertility Treatment in Chandigarh usually starts with an analysis of sperm. An analysis of the semen collected at the Center can take into account its mobility, quality, quantity and also detect if any infection is present. This check is followed by analyzing the history of the patient, checking up for genetic factors and also the present working condition to determine the stress level. Since the male reproductive system is largely controlled by the brain, any trouble with the hormones and work pressure can affect the semen secretion or its quality. Analyzing each and every factor can pinpoint the root cause of the problem, thereby making it easier for the doctors to resolve the issue at the earliest.

Usually, the Infertility Hospital in Mohali is cost-effective, and is known for its success rates. However, it is up to the person to approach the correct treatment facility to get best and efficient treatment. Hence, look for a fertility clinic like Cosmo Hospital that has an experience of treating male infertility and also have expert doctors who have given 100% results in resolving issues related to fertility.