Monday, 17 August 2020

What are the features of a Best IVF Centre in Chandigarh? Cosmo Multi Specialty Hospital

Choosing a suitable IVF Centre in Chandigarh is one of the biggest and most important decisions for a couple trying to conceive and seeking professional help. Everything is new to you at this point and it is difficult to find your way through the maze of information available today. It is crucial to feeling comfortable with the choices that you make, and it is worthwhile to find out as much as you can about an IVF clinic before you start the procedure.


Reports suggest that couples requiring IVF nowadays have increased in number many folds and are commonly more informed and proficient when going to a particular center for treatment. It is to your advantage to be well versed about what to see and search for the Best IVF Hospital in Chandigarh.


As a couple seeking fertility help, you need to ask some questions about your IVF clinic or your attending doctor before starting the treatment procedure such as,


1.     Can I have a Natural cycle (without drugs)?

2.     During my stimulation will I be monitored well and be informed about my blood test, ultrasound, and other test results?

3.     From the starting to end of my treatment, how many visits are required from my end?

4.     Will my incubator for the embryo use 6% oxygen (the same as in the female reproductive tract) or 20% oxygen?

5.     What is the clinic's experience in transferring blastocysts aged day 5?

6.     A good IVF clinic must welcome questions on any aspect of infertility management, the services that the clinic provides and facilities present there. Following are some other concerns that might help you to get a clear picture of what a good clinic can offer.

7.     Does the center keep up-to-date with the latest technologies?

8.     What is the success rate of IVF in your patients at the clinic?

9.     What will a treatment cycle cost?

10. Does the clinic offer a pre-implantation genetic diagnosis?


Success rates of IVF depend on the skill, expertise, and technology at the clinic which is used by them. The Best IVF Clinic Chandigarh has ready access to the latest technologies and should have the ingenuity to better the available knowledge and skill. IVF clinics with programs in laser assisted hatching, ICSI treatment and clinically proven stage-specific embryo culture medium should be looked for. The use of improved culture media for improving embryo development and blastocyst culture provide added advantages in higher success rates of the procedure.


Click Here to Visit Best IVF Hospital in Chandigarh.